To raise and train gospel workers for the world – through AFES Apprenticeships.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9:37–38
Jesus commands us to pray earnestly for labourers to be sent out into his harvest field (Mt 9:38). He has especially answered these prayers for AFES by raising up ministry apprentices for the harvest in the Universities of Australia. These brothers and sisters immerse themselves in the Scriptures to proclaim Jesus in a variety of ministry contexts that not only prepares them for future ministry here and abroad, but also bears fruit now as they see students’ lives saved and transformed. The heart of their training is, first, "doing life" with their trainers who share not only the gospel with them but their lives as well (1 Thessalonians 2:8). And then, second, repeating that pattern by sharing that same gospel and their own lives with apprentice peers and students. As I look back at my own apprenticeship, that’s the gospel DNA I caught and continue to cherish - Christ exalting lives modelled to me as we laboured together through suffering and joy for the glory of our Lord Jesus.
Richard Chin
Serving Jesus as AFES National Director

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The AFES Mission