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Local Churches

For Pastors and Churches

A core value of AFES is the priority of local churches as the primary expression of the body of Christ.  AFES deeply values our partnership with those churches as together we raise and train gospel workers for the world.


During their apprenticeship, an AFES Apprentice remains committed to the ministry and mission of their local church. Often new opportunities to serve in their church are both sought and accepted as part of their training. Often churches have the delight of welcoming newcomers to their congregation/s through relationships and invitations made by the Apprentice in their evangelism and ministry. And always the church is encouraged in their own mission and ministry in Christ, as they watch ‘one of their own’ take up their cross in this particular way - and as they prayerfully partner with them.

AFES Value 7 –
Local Churches 

AFES values local churches as the primary expression of the body of Christ, and so values every student and staff-member having a love for, and a committed involvement in, a local church. 

“As a church we long to see men and women equipped for a lifetime of ministry, and we see an AFES apprenticeship as one of the fruitful ways whereby God is raising up workers for his harvest field.  We have a long history of partnership with our local AFES ministry.  And in recent years we counted it a joyful privilege to see one of our members become our first home grown ministry-apprentice as they trained with AFES on campus and served with us at church.  We pray for many more to come.”

John Huynh

Senior Minister, St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church Surry Hills

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